By: Brenna Mata
Let us be the first to introduce you to your new favorite artist – Binki. He’s everything you want under the umbrella of dance, rap, pop, and all in between. As a recently signed artist to the ever growing FADER Label, Binki’s style has started to gain the attention of wider audiences including the likes of Billboard, who claim his sound is “genre-melding.”
I felt very lucky to witness binki open up for Glass Animals this past weekend at White Oak Music Hall on their Dreamland Tour. Why, you might ask? He’s the type of talent that you know is going to come back on his own tour one day, playing to an even larger audience, and I get bragging rights of saying I was a day one fan (because who doesn’t love to do this, c’mon). 
Fans in the front row who camped all day to secure an excellent spot would not and could not stop screaming their hearts out saying “BINKIIII!” It was beautiful to hear and see the opening act get some love, because his energy deserved all their praises.
We were treated to a set featuring all four tracks from his most recent release titled MOTOR FUNCTION, which includes the raging Revolve and dreamy-pop Clay Pigeon. The crowd did not know the lyrics for the most part – but that didn’t stop anyone from letting loose for a breezy evening show. 
Before Binki was set to leave, he performed his 2019 release Heybb! that has amassed nearly ten million streams on Spotify alone. This was the track that launched bikini out into the real world, being exposed to notable music industry producers and even Apple, who used the song in a commercial for the iPad air release. 
It’s charming, catchy and undeniably one-of-a-kind music. Houston is already excited for your return to one of our stages, Binki.

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