By: Destiny Arredondo
On March 30th, 2024, live from the House of Blues venue in the heart of downtown Houston was up-and-coming artist Isabel LaRosa for her sold-out show of the God is Watching tour. As the line started to form, people waited with anticipation to hear not only Isabel but her brother Thomas LaRosa as well. As the doors opened at 7, everyone rushed inside with excitement and vigorously filled the room.
Thomas warmed the crowd up with an array of experimental production guitar riffs that completely blew the crowd away. He played his hit song Dream, which the fans seemed to know every lyric to. As the night grew, the crowd became more and more anxious to see Isabel. After Thomas was done performing his energetic opening act, the lights went dim. The fans immediately put their phones up with excitement as Isabel came on to the stage, followed by Thomas, the talented brother who produces and plays guitar on all of her tracks. A single beam of luscious pink light shone down on Isabel as the initial beats of Haunted started to play.
The fans obviously knew this song well and started to sing every word back to her on stage. As the night carried on, a couple things were apparent: the ground was shaking, the crowd’s singing was as loud as the speakers on stage, and the artist had a stage presence similar to that of a very experienced artist. She performed other hit songs, like favorite, HEAVEN, and even had some covers, which consisted of the beloved Brooklyn Baby and I Kissed a Girl, which were both hits with the fans.
The dynamic duo put on the performance of a lifetime as they ended the night with their biggest song yet, i’m yours. Hearts were pumping, blood was rushing, and the energy in the room was electrifying. It was clear to everyone that this duo would only continue to grow.

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